How many times have you went out and didn’t know what to order when it comes to food and beverages? so to simplify things and make it less confusing, possibly more profitable and a better experience for the customer. Direct them in the direction you would like them to go in by creating a table talker with a special offer for food or beverages that looks irresistible. Think of it as a green call to action button on a website that says Click to find out more, except it’s in real life. Use your staff to promote the special and sell it. Make the journey easier and more enjoyable for the customer. Another question that might come up is will this make my restaurant look cheap and the answer is it will only look cheap if the quality of the design and presentation of it is not executed properly.

Bespoke menu designs created and suited for the environment of restaurant or bar with a purpose of attracting new clientele and giving people something to talk about. Keep it short and simple, to many options makes people confused, not confident and it costs you more money for food you might not sell and more money for printing. Overall, not winning, so shorten your menu down, take note of your best sellers, remove what’s not working and give your customers a better experience while saving you money. This shortened specialized menu will help for increased conversions for online sales, no one has time nor the patients to read bible sized menus. This all plays a part of good service and make your kitchen faster and turn around orders faster and in turn making you more money.

Social media advertising plays a major role in in brand awareness, sales and trust in your restaurant. However it is not an instant oats journey, people will become more aware of your restaurant when they see that you posting more interesting content more often and paying for targeted advertisement boosting on different social media platforms so that the people you would want to see can see it. This also being said professional, good, clean design plays a major part in drawing a customer to your restaurant. Think of it as in interview, you present me with something sloppy and cheap it shows me how much you care or put effort into yourself. Whereas if someone comes with a customized CV and presentation, well that person’s going to win and that’s why I am here. To add value to your brand and give you a more competitive edge to make a difference.